About Hope Home Based Health Care

The Hope Home Based Health Care (HHBHC) is a locally owned and operated non-profit organization, founded in November 2016 and registered under section 21 of the Companies Act 2004. HHBHC was founded after the Founders' mother suffered several strokes in one year and as a result was bedridden. This personal experience had them thinking how many people in the community, and everywhere in the country has got the same challenge as herself.

Expert Medical Care

HHBHC provides expert healthcare services through their expert healthcare team dedicated to ensuring every pasient is properly taken care of.

Accurate Medical Data Collection

HHBHC uses modern tools and applications to collect the valuable data of their pasients to ensure that they obtain only the best healthcare services and products.

Dignified Care at Home

HHBHC also provides healthcare at home so th their pasients can reserve the best palliative care they personably need to ensure a high quality life.

Meet The Dedicated Team

Eglien Uises - Executive Director

Nixon Shaanika - Operations Manager

Mathe Jubilante - Adminstrator

Fillipine Gaoses - Registered Nurse

Lorelei Namubes - Care Giver Supervisor

Gian Uiseb - Driver

Maria Marungu - Care Giver

Hilma Iiyambo - Care Giver

Robert Gawab - Care Giver